Sunday, November 6, 2011

A New Adventure

Well, after piddling around with my colors and layout and all that good stuff, it is time to actually write something! I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now, and apparently it took quitting my job to do it! Well, mostly quitting my job. Mostly means that I'll still work a few days a month, but no more of this full-time business. I think my boss and I have separation anxiety. But, it means a little extra cash and a whole lot less retail, so I'll take it. Yes, retail. I've spent the past 13 years of my life working at LifeWay. That's right, 13. I started working there when I was 17. So this is quite the change for me. In my new found spare time I'll be getting our apartment in order and maybe even learning to cook something besides spaghetti. I'll also probably be doing more with Aggie's Arts. I think this will also be a time of me learning to be alone. Even though I felt isolated being in the stock room receiving all day, I still had some interaction. Although, I felt as though I had no human interaction and was forgetting how to interact. But being at home while Grant is at work, I will be alone. I guess I'm hoping this will be a time for God to grow me somehow. Maybe I'll learn to be still! That would be amazing. 

And... I want to play around with some pictures I've taken. I don't have Photoshop by any means... so Preview will have to do. As a preview (ha!), this is one that I'm particularly proud of, without touching it...

Yup. That's the Rockefeller Center. Which also happens to be where Grant and I got engaged! I took this pic this past July while we were visiting our friend Becca who was there taking a type design class. I got several shots that I impressed myself with, and I want to mess around with them and eventually print some out. I guess I just want to get more in touch with my artsy-fartsy side!